Cash Is Really King!
May 1, 2020

THE COVID-19 pandemic is causing untold damage to companies who are either positioned to ride out the storm for a certain period of time, or who are struggling with access to liquidity and cash resources. The common theme for everyone though is that cash (and liquidity) is really King, and that sound cash management is a strategic imperative in managing both economic downturns and black swan events like the one we are currently experiencing.
Most companies need the basics – a strong cash flow forecasting platform and process, and integrated and automated cash pooling banking structures.
We at FTI Treasury offer a cash flow forecasting service that includes a cloud-based application for global access, the ongoing management and administration of the process, and customized reporting of your current and future cash positions.
We also work with companies to design, select, implement and administer bank and liquidity management structures that include cash concentration zero and target balancing structures, notional pooling and multi-bank multi-currency liquidity structures.
Please do not hesitate in contacting us if you need assistance in these areas.